This service project was called Critter Cutters. The Environmental Club travelled to the Shorty Howell Public Park and we got to work. The members where split into groups as the took on the park by cutting down any invasive species or cutting anything that could be dangerous for walkers who enjoy walking the park trail.

Our school recycles every week by collecting paper and plastic. We continue to recycle as our school uses paper every day.  We communicate with teachers and the students in order to collect the most piles of recycling material because our school cares about the environment we live in.

Key Club along with many other clubs and schools from our community gather once a year to walk in our parade. The parade is used to promote our festival and our pride for the school we go to. We usually have a lot of fun as we walk from point A to point B. We cheer and do chants as we wake up our communities’ inner pride.

Along with many other clubs, Key Club has also been involved with Adopt a Road where we clean up Meadowcreek’s High School road. Our school has the right and privilege of taking care of a nearby road as we clean it up by picking up all the trash and necessary material located within the grass and small woods.  Members clean the road and enjoy the fact that they did something to make a difference in their environment.

Like always our main focus is on creativity and innovation. This year we did a lot of tree plantation in school as well as near by areas. We arranged for a visit of schools of our area to our school and showed them our works. Village students were guided to use computers and other software. During summer vacation our school organizes free computer literacy classes for poor village students and we have donated our old computers to a few of the them. Local students attend seminars in our school and they are invited to our cultural functions too. Our teachers go as coaches to nearby schools. For Navodaya Schools entrance tests every year we students give free tuition and guidance to aspirants. Our school is a pace setting school of our district Bhiwani and other schools see us as their role model.
Through our participation in GVC Contest we are learning new ICT Skills. We  ever dream of a Planet that has life on it like Earth, so this year we chose "Planet Utopia" as our theme. While watching episodes of Scientist Stephen Hawkings on Discovery Channel this idea struck our mind. We have been working on this theme in another Project too : http://www.elanguages.org/125680
We used Digital Art Software to create the picture of our Dream Planet. We exchanged resources with our partners from U.S.A and Nigeria and enjoyed collaborating with them.